Monday, August 27, 2012

♥ walk

♥ walking
even in hurry o terkejar2 to sttle things
myna akan take time jgak to walk around and see life around..
lagi2 if cuaca yang redup+sunny..
huh such a waste if xgunakan sepenuhnya :) kan?
and myna sgt selesa berblouse+jeans
rase senang je nk jalan sane sini
especially blouse floral yg myna br catch dkat kakishopping^^
sgt comfort n the printed really sweet+vintage..
its a simple blouse but moreless wif the printed floral..its give me -ve plain look 
bile mood strike nk pkai dress..pnas2 pn sental jgak..hehe
all depends ^.~

p/s : those yg nk grab blouse yg sweet ni singgah sini eh>>kakishopping

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