Sunday, October 9, 2011

your important accesories ♥

hye ♥

answer me~

ape accesories yg paling3x penting korang akan pkai bile keluar?

> earing
> ring
> watch
> shades
> bangle

ok,none dr pilihan diatas adalah tepat...saje xnk bg clue ;p
coz have u ever notice the most important accesories yg korang xpnah tggal is......"BAG"
nk pegi pasar malam pn rase nk bwk bag..xdpt bwk bag besar..clucth pn jd la..
sbb rase mcm kosong je kn~lol ;p

ok, here ade 1 tips yg korang boleh cube apply utk pilih the right bag bile keluar^.~
★ coordinate your bag wif your shoes..

try coordinate warna kasut dgn bag yg korang akan long as xnampak matchy-matchy sgt..
mcm kasut corak kotak2 warna merah...bag pn nk corak kotak2 no no..
jgn mcm tu ok

tp...match wif the same colour..contohnya kasut marna biru..bag pn same kaler..
no makes u look "wow" than "wooo"...coz actually tips ni buat korang looks more outstanding~
no wonder laa kedai2 kasut like nose,vincci n so on buat pakej kasut+bag rite :) 

psst : nk cr bag2 baru yg style n >> kakishoping

have a try! cheersss ks

my brown shoes wif my brown bag ^.~